Physical examinations for new personnel
New personnel in the general workplace must undergo a general physical examination. New personnel conducting work with specific health risks must undergo both a general and specialized physical examination in accordance with their work type.

When to have a physical examination:
Before reporting for the first day of work. A physical examination certificate copy and a completed physical examination questionnaire form must be submitted to the Environmental Health and Safety Center on the first day of work. Physical examination certificates from foreign countries will not be accepted.

Who needs a physical examination:
All new NTU faculty and staff. This does not include those engaged in temporary or short-term work for under six months or learning assistants.

New foreign faculty and staff are required to undergo the same physical examination procedures as local faculty and staff. Please bring your Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) or passport to your examination for identification. If you are covered by the National Health Insurance (NHI), please bring your NHI card to your examination.

Physical examination content:
1. General physical examinations
a) Inquiries into work experience, medical history, lifestyle, and physical symptoms.
b) Physical examinations of height, weight, waistline, vision, color vision, hearing, blood pressure, bodily systems, and body parts.
c) chest X-Ray、urine protein、urine blood、Hemoglobin、WBC count、AC suger、ALT/GPT、creatinine、cholesterol、TG、HDL.
d) Other examinations as instructed by central authorities. 
2. Specialized physical examinations
To be arranged according to the specific health risks new personnel will face in their workplaces. 

a) Please fill out and submit to the department under which you are employed.
► New Employee Physical Examination Consent Form
b) Please fill out and take to the medical facility conducting your physical examination.
► Newly-Hired Personnel General Physical Examination Questionnaire
c) For those taking physical examinations at the NTU Hospital Department of Family Medicine, if you do not yet have proof of employment, an employment contract, or letter of appointment, please contact the department under which you are employed to obtain proof of employment.
► National Taiwan University Hospital Procedures and Notice for Newly-Hired Personnel General Physical Examination
d) For those taking specialized physical examinations, please download and fill out the questionnaire for your work type and take it to the NTU Hospital Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine or to another medical facility to conduct your examination.
e) If you have undergone a physical examination before your first day of work but have not yet received an examination certificate, please fill out a deferral application and submit it to the Environmental Health and Safety Center with a copy of your physical examination receipt attached. Examination certificates must be submitted within one month of the first day of work.
► Request for Late Submission of New Employee Physical Examination Report

Contact Information
Tseng Shih-Ting
Tel : 02-3366-7991
Email :anitatseng@ntu.edu.tw